Erasmus +
ERASMUS+ is a program for universities, students and employees. The aim is to support international cooperation in higher education, to allow students to travel abroad for part of their studies and practice, to promote the mobility of university staff, and to give universities the opportunity to participate in projects with their foreign partners.
In the frame of Erasmus+ WSEI implements:
1. Studies – a semester or a year at a university in another country for full-time and part-time students at WSEI
2. Traineeships and internships – WSEI students can travel to all European countries for a period of 2 to 12 months for apprenticeship and increase their chances of finding employment both at home and abroad
Benefits of going to study abroad:
• Learning in a foreign language student environment
• Getting to know another country, another culture
• Ability to establish contacts, gain new friends
• Improving your foreign language skills
Basic principles of the Erasmus + program:
• Eligibility for the Erasmus+ scholarship is available to students of all degree programs leading to gaining a bachelor’s or master’s degree, officially registered at the institution eligible for the program.
• The student has 12 months of mobility within one study cycle to use. This mobility relates to study trips and internships
in the frame of the Erasmus+ program
• Studying at a partner university is an integral part of a student’s study program
• WSEI as a home institution recognizes the duration of studies at a partner university as equivalent to the period of study at WSEI.
• Departure may take place at the earliest in the second year of studies
• The student cannot go abroad for the last semester of first and second degree studies
WSEI as hosting institution Erasmus+ program:
Within the framework of ERASMUS+ WSEI invites students and staff for study and training visits. More on the application procedures
Where can I find information about Erasmus+ programme?
Information about Erasmus+ programme can be found on the WSEI webiste: You can also contact for additional informations.
Who can take part in the Erasmus+ programme?
Domestic and foreign students of the first and second cycle, on full-time and part-time studies as well as university staff can take part in the Erasmus+ programme. The condition for participation by a student is to complete at least one year of studies. Therefore, the first-cycle students may travel only from the second year of studies. Only students of commercial studies may apply to study abroad.
How to apply for the Erasmus+ programme?
By submitting necessary application forms. Application forms should be submitted to the Centre of Projects, International Cooperation and Development Strategy (second floor, room no.103) before the deadline announced on the WSEI website. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic scans of application forms sent to are also accepted.
What are the deadlines for application?
Application deadlines are published on the WSEI website. Deadlines for applying for studies abroad: Deadlines for applying for traineeships abroad:
Which countries can I travel to?
EU member states and United Kingdom
3 EEA countries – Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway
Turkey, Serbia, Republic of North Macedonia
Can I go to non-EU countries?
Only if they are EEA countries – Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway; Turkey, Serbia, the Republic of North Macedonia or the United Kingdom
To which universities can I go to study?
Students may go to study abroad only within the framework of signed inter-institutional agreements between the University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin and the host institution. Foreign universities must have an ECHE (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education) card entitling them to participate in the program. Detailed information and a list of all inter-institutional agreements valid in a given academic year are published on the University’s website.
The student should choose a partner university that offers the study program(s) corresponding to the field of study of the home university at a specific level, i.e. on the first and second cycle studies.
In which organisations can I intern?
The following types of institution meet the criteria of the host institution: foreign institutions/enterprises, research and development institutions, non-profit organizations, administration units in foreign universities, e.g. libraries, financial departments, dean’s offices, foreign cooperation departments, foreign schools (primary, lower secondary, secondary) for students of pedagogical faculties and specialties.
Students look for a place where they would like to do an internship independently.
The internship CANNOT be carried out in:
- institutions of the European Union,
- managing authorities of European Union programs,
- diplomatic missions of the student’s home country,
Where can I search for companies interested in hosting students for traineeships as part of the Erasmus+ programme?
Here are some useful links for finding an traineeship abroad:
How long is the study/traineeships period?
The total duration of the mobility period, including participation in previous Erasmus+ activities (so-called “mobility capital”), cannot exceed 12 months for the one study cycle or 24 months in the case of 5 year cycle studies. The maximum duration of mobility within the framework of studies is 6 months. The minimum duration of the traineeship is 2 months, maximum 3 months.
I am a graduate - can I go abroad within Erasmus+ programme?
Yes, the so-called “newly-minted graduates” can go for the traineeship abroad. They must start recruitment in the last year of their studies, ie before their graduation, and complete their traineeship/internship within a period not exceeding 1 year from graduation.
How good has to be my English level to go abroad?
The minimum level of knowledge of the English language is B2.
I am a part-time student. Can I go abroad?
Yes, part-time students can go abroad for studies and traineeships abroad within Erasmus+ programme.
Will I have to pass any exams after coming back from the exchange/traineeship?
Upon return, all you need to do is complete the exchange assessment questionnaire, as well as complete the English language proficiency test.
Can I extend my trip while still being abroad?
No. The total period of the exchange is determined before the mobility.
What will I have to do after coming back from my exchange?
Upon return, you should submit all documents to the Center and complete the exchange assessment questionnaire, as well as complete the English language test.
Do I have to go abroad or can I study / do my traineeship remotely (online) from my place of residence in Poland?
Yes, going aborad is obligatory to receive Erasmus + grant.
How should I prepare for my exchange due to the COVID-19 pandemic?
Before leaving, check all information regarding entry into and exit from the host country. On the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Border Guard Headquarters there is information for people leaving and coming to Poland:
Information on entering a given country can also be found on the governmental websites of the receiving country.
Contact with the Center of Projects and International Cooperation at the email address:
University Erasmus + Coordinator
Marta Drygała
tel: +48 81 749 32 62
More information about mobilities under the Erasmus + Program is available at the Center for Projects, International Cooperation and Development Strategy,
1st floor, room 103,
tel. phone: +48 81 749 32 27